Thursday, October 22, 2009

98 KUPD Music News Update 10/22/2009

  • Sott Stapp and Co. (CREED) will be releasing their new album next week (October 27th). You can listen to clips of their new album Full Circle RIGHT HERE. Make sure to do the sign of the cross and give thanks.
  • Let's do some picture math:



TRIVIUM are a bunch of gaming dorks like me, Vesely, McFeelie, and Fitz. They still get to keep their cool "metal" band factor as they have recorded a track for the God of War III video game. No release date has been announced because the band is still trying to avoid lightning bolts from Zeus in GoW II.

  • SEVENDUST are still in the studio working on their next effort. Watch Lajon track vocals then watch Clint make a funny face.

  • PUDDLE OF MUDD are set to release a new album entitled Songs in the Key of Love & Hate on December 8th. The first single from the album is called "Spaceship". I wonder if the name "Falcon" is in any part of that song.
  • ROB ZOMBIE was set to release Hellbilly Deluxe 2 in a few short weeks, but it appears that he will make the anticipated public wait until 2010 for a release.
  • WOLFMOTHER have decided to let you in on the secret they've been hiding for some time now: they're streaming their entire new album, Cosmic Egg, on their MySpace page at It's not really a secret if you're still hanging around on MySpace these days.
  • SERIOUS NEWS ALERT: METALLICA have issued an APB out for one of their fans who was last seen at their show in Charlottesville, VA on Saturday night. Details on her disappearance can be found RIGHT HERE.
  • If you've never seen TRENT REZNOR (NINE INCH NAILS) wear white, you'll get to see him wear it under a black blazer. Who cares what he's wearing? I'd wear what's next to him every night!

The next NIN album better be awesome now that he's married! Think of the anger that will be on it after she tells him he spends too much time in the basement working on new samples.

  • How many of you thought it would only be possible to see FAITH NO MORE's MIKE PATTON swallow a shoestring on stage in Europe? Your dreams may come true here in the U.S. now that bassist BILLY GOULD sent out the following Twitter message:


Until next time...

Shan Man

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