Friday, October 30, 2009

98 KUPD Music News--Shan Man Style

Here's the music news for this week/next week. I have a feeling that no one is really going to care about the music news into the Halloween weekend just because they are too concerned about the Phillies/Yankees game. That's WHAT I THINK.

  • If you were expecting a new ROB ZOMBIE album in the next few weeks, you are sorely mistaken at this point. Robbie has decided to sign with a new label (Roadrunner Records) and has (somewhat) thrown his former label (Geffen) under the bus by saying that Geffen wasn't ready to release his album. Thus Roadrunner has the big balls these days and will promote the new Hellbilly Deluxe 2 album how ROB wants it to be promoted. Sounds to me that Rob is taking a page out of Axl Rose's book. Any takers on a release date of the new HBD2 album in 2010?
  • THE STONE TEMPLE PILOTS will release a NEW album in early 2010 after they stop playing State Fairs. In other news, SLIPKNOTis in talks to play Cliff Castle Casino in early December.
  • It seems that the FOO FIGHTERS Greatest Hits album is on schedule for a release on November 3, 2009. Grohl said this song ("Word Forward") was inspired by words, metaphors, and similes of his other songs made from those same literary devices. He further noted that one particular word of this song was inspired when he stubbed his toe on the corner of his banister. File this one under: SONGS THAT HAVE THE WORD F*CK.

  • FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH have streamed a YouTube video of their song "Dying Breed", coming off their latest effort War is the Answer. I'd show you the video, but YouTube has told me that a Democracy like America isn't privileged enough when it comes to copyright restrictions that other countries don't have to follow. Personally, I love my freedoms so back the f*ck up YouTube. It's ok, I'm Socialist and I'll bit torrent that sh*t.
  • Remember the scene in DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE when there was a fat bomb squad diffuser who was in a school, sitting in front of a plastic 55-gallon Aunt Jemimah Syrup bomb, all the while rubbing powdered sugar on his hands and face? Remember that? Remember when his captain Skyped him and told him to get out of the school because John McLane hadn't acquired a secret code from Hans Gruber's brother? And do you remember the fat bomb squad diffuser told his captain that he wasn't going to leave the school when he found out there were still kids in the school? THEN do you remember he cuts the Skype call off cappy, pulls out his trusty Snap-On wire cutters and quivers to the countdown timer, "No guts, no glory..."? Well, this is the name of AIRBORNE's new album--No Guts, No Glory to drop in stores on February 23, 2010. No points awarded to the person who stands in line wearing powdered sugar on his upper lip and holding Eggo Waffle syrup the night the album drops. That's just gay.
  • Everyone has an iPhone app these days: 98 KUPD, ROCK BAND, and now ALICE IN CHAINS. The new AIC app doesn't reincarnate LAYNE STALEY, but it does have some cool features like: full songs from the latest album, Black Gives Way to Blue, music videos, news, photos, social networking, and its level of HIGH INTERACTIVITY. Evidently there are hidden visual gems within the app that are worth a gander.
  • If it weren't bad enough when BUCKCHERRY came out with "Crazy Bitch", NICKELBACK is coming out with it's 2009 version of the same type of song called "Shakin' Hands". Gentlemen, you can thank me now when you find your future ex-wife dancing on a pole at Applebee's.
  • SLIPKNOT/STONE SOUR'S FRONTMAN COREY TAYLOR confirmed that he DID try out for VELVET REVOLVER when former frontman, SCOTT WEILAND, departed the band. Taylor said, "I had a meeting with those guys , we did some demos together, and it just didn’t work — for whatever reason.” I have a feeling that it was because SLASH and DUFF weren't too keen on the idea of adding 7 other members to the stage and MATT didn't want to have to take on the extra duties to bang on trash cans.


  • When you step back into your alter ego life and say, "What would I do to make the world a better place?", you're probably saying that you would solve world hunger. Right? Well, PAPA ROACH is actually taking it upon themselves to contribute to that EXACT CAUSE by partnering up with WHY(World Hunger Year). It came out earlier this year that lead singer, JACOBY SHADDIX, was homeless as a child and and the rest of the members of the band are trying to raise funds and awareness to poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Remember, he's only doing it THIS YEAR.
  • As a 147 year old man, OZZY OSBOURNE has finally admitted to not being a perfect human being. However, you may be able to see him give out body parts at his next show as he was quoted, "I want to give the audience my heart and soul every night, but sometimes I pull it off and sometimes I don't," he says. "We're human. I don't use any tricks, I don't lip synch my voice, what you see is what you get. I've done my fair share of bad gigs, and I'm not embarrassed to say that."
  • And now, METALLICA, ROB ZOMBIE, TOOL and SHAN MAN OF 98 KUPD will share their thoughts on Halloween:
TOOL and PUSCIFER frontman Maynard James Keenan said that he enjoys Halloween because it's more than just costumes and trick or treating. "It's an interesting season to me, having done a little research on it," he said. "It's an interesting holiday. I recommend that people really kind of dive into some more of the origins of, you know, why the jack-o-lantern on the porch and why the trick or treat — why the door to door. What is that all about? It really is an interesting story."

METALLICA's James Hetfield shares an embarrassing childhood memory about a costume he once had to wear: "I wanted to be Batman, but my mom made me a suit. You know, she was good at sewing, and she made me this thing, and I was like a giant tiger with the ears and everything. (laughs) Oh my God! There's a picture of me at school in the, you know, the school picture, and I got this goofy outfit on with the little whiskers and everyone else is like cowboys and stuff, and I'm sittin' there in my tiger outfit, and I don't think it was what I wanted to be. But that's what happened. (laughs)"

Rob Zombie, of course, is an expert on all things Halloween — after all, he's even made two movies named after the holiday — but he also happens to know his Halloween candy as well. He revealed his favorite on a recent conference call with reporters. "Candy corn is my favorite and I usually get very excited when I see it on the shelves, which they usually start laying out the Halloween stuff first week of August," he said. "So pretty much by the second week of August, I never want to see candy corn again, so . . . usually by the time I buy it, I open the bag in the car in the parking lot, on the way home, and by the time I get home I'm disgusted with myself for eating it. The days of gorging on Halloween candy are long gone."

Shan Man of 98 KUPD never gets to go out on Halloween because he's working the airwaves every year, but he shared a unique story that you wouldn't expect to see any night of the year during the season of costumes: "One year I got off work and I went to some bar in Scottsdale. It was crazy because when I walked into that Old Town bar, I found about 33 chicks all dressed as skanky nurses, police officers, and vixens showing off their fake tits. I approached each and every one of them to let them know that I dug their boobs and that they should know that this one-time-a-year event is so special that they should take me home to f*ck the man-candy out of me. Strangely enough, I got denied each time when these classy women found out I only had 3 dollars to my name, I didn't wear an Ed Hardy t-shirt, and drove a Corolla."

Happy Halloween!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

98 KUPD Music News Update 10/22/2009

  • Sott Stapp and Co. (CREED) will be releasing their new album next week (October 27th). You can listen to clips of their new album Full Circle RIGHT HERE. Make sure to do the sign of the cross and give thanks.
  • Let's do some picture math:



TRIVIUM are a bunch of gaming dorks like me, Vesely, McFeelie, and Fitz. They still get to keep their cool "metal" band factor as they have recorded a track for the God of War III video game. No release date has been announced because the band is still trying to avoid lightning bolts from Zeus in GoW II.

  • SEVENDUST are still in the studio working on their next effort. Watch Lajon track vocals then watch Clint make a funny face.

  • PUDDLE OF MUDD are set to release a new album entitled Songs in the Key of Love & Hate on December 8th. The first single from the album is called "Spaceship". I wonder if the name "Falcon" is in any part of that song.
  • ROB ZOMBIE was set to release Hellbilly Deluxe 2 in a few short weeks, but it appears that he will make the anticipated public wait until 2010 for a release.
  • WOLFMOTHER have decided to let you in on the secret they've been hiding for some time now: they're streaming their entire new album, Cosmic Egg, on their MySpace page at It's not really a secret if you're still hanging around on MySpace these days.
  • SERIOUS NEWS ALERT: METALLICA have issued an APB out for one of their fans who was last seen at their show in Charlottesville, VA on Saturday night. Details on her disappearance can be found RIGHT HERE.
  • If you've never seen TRENT REZNOR (NINE INCH NAILS) wear white, you'll get to see him wear it under a black blazer. Who cares what he's wearing? I'd wear what's next to him every night!

The next NIN album better be awesome now that he's married! Think of the anger that will be on it after she tells him he spends too much time in the basement working on new samples.

  • How many of you thought it would only be possible to see FAITH NO MORE's MIKE PATTON swallow a shoestring on stage in Europe? Your dreams may come true here in the U.S. now that bassist BILLY GOULD sent out the following Twitter message:


Until next time...

Shan Man

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Donation For Life Because One Day It Could Be Yours

For those of you that are following me on Twitter (, you might have recently seen a re-Tweet (RT) regarding the Beat Cancer campaign. If you are not familiar, for every tweet that you make that has the #beatcancer hash tag, a certain amount of money is donated to the Cancer Fund. Hey, if my tweets with those hash tag are helping, then I am more than willing to do my part to help find a cure.

But, it's just more than making a tweet to raise money and awareness. There are many other ways that you can make a difference when it comes to causes that you would like to help out with and I'm here to advocate such awareness. Last week my friend, Alicia, sent me an email informing me that she is working with the Donate Life Northwest organization that raises awareness for organ donation. Alicia's email couldn't have come at a better and more poignant moment in my life as I had found out a few short days before that one of my close cousins was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer.

Please take a few moments to read Alicia's email and hopefully you can help her achieve her goal. It would mean so much to me, but even more for Alicia as you will see the impact organ donation has been made on her life.

You will see that I have donated an amount to help her out, but anything you can give--whether it be $2 or $5, you know that your hard earned money is not wasted.

Also, please feel free to re-direct people to this blog page if you think some of your other friends would be willing to donate and help Alicia reach her goal.

Much love and respect,


Dear friends and family,

You are invited to join me for Donate Life Northwest's annual Lifesavers Breakfast on Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 7:30 a.m. (see below invitation for more information)

As many of you know I was the recipient of a life saving kidney from my brother Justin back in April 2007. Since that time I have been volunteering with Donate Life Northwest to help raise awareness about organ donation. By joining me at the 2009 Lifesavers Breakfast you can help contribute to this amazing cause.

This year's program features the internationally acclaimed speaker Reg Green, who will share the story of how his son, Nicholas, touched thousands of people throughout the world as an organ donor. When seven-year-old Nicholas was fatally shot while vacationing in Italy in 1994, his parents Reg & Maggie Green made the decision to donate their son's organs to seven Italians in need of transplants. Their generosity received worldwide media attention and brought on a remarkable change in attitudes toward organ donation.

The event is free to attend, but donations are appreciated. My goal this year as table captain is to raise $500. I have at least 8 openings at the table, but can accommodate more if there are enough people interested in attending in person. If you would like to contribute towards our goal, but cannot attend in person, you can donate by going here:

If you would like to attend in person, please RSVP to this e-mail by no later than Wednesday, October 21, 2009. Also, please forward this invitation on to anyone you think would be interested in attending this amazing event or contributing to Donate Life Northwest's mission.

Thank you so much!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

The WTF Playlist

I've lost my iTunes collection due to a shitty Western Digital hard drive. What sucks about this is that I only had 80% of the entire drive backed up before it decided to take a shit on me--and that final 10% was the millions of days of music I had on the 320G hard drive.

Not that anyone would really care what was on my drive other than old graduate school papers, pirated programs, and naked pictures of ex-girlfriends for blackmail--but it really burns me alive that this drive had to take a dump on me. There were songs on this hard drive that I ripped off from public libraries and this means I have to go through the process of stealing from the library again. ;-)

Thus, I have been ridiculously sedentary in the Casa de Shan Man for the past 3 days re-ripping my entire collection back onto a new hard drive. Who ever knew that I had bought The Cranberries back when I was younger. I still haven't sold that CD to Zia? I have to tell ya, I have found some real winners in my collection and you know what? You betcha they're going in the iTunes library! There is something refreshing about hearing a song on the iTunes Genius Mix that makes me always want to say, "Who the fuck is this?"

I guess from 24 until now, I have brainwashed myself METAL (iTunes Genius has made multiple Metal mixes for me and it tells me that I am awesomely closed minded when it comes to listening to music) and have forgotten about my Brody years (this was a former roommate I had in college who tried to conform me to tons of sweet hippie-lovin' musical damage).

Therefore, here are today's WINNERS in the "Why the Fuck Did I Buy This Disc?" playlist:

Jars of Clay
Common Thread: The Songs of the Eagles
Garth Brooks - The Hits (WTF?)
Mary Me Jane
The Cranberries - Everybody Else is Doing it, So Why Can't We
Tonic - Lemon Parade
Toad the Wet Sprocket
Sarah McLachlan
Frank Stallone

The Sheep